יום רביעי, 19 במרץ 2008

Today's Top Issue: Philosophy

Alright, so the time may be slightly too devilish for philosophy (what's so devilish about 6+ AM? Oh, you poor sods, try not sleeping for a minute the night before...) but I will try and make an effort. Also, I'm typing this on my uncle's 800x600 resolution PC, which means everything is on a colossal scale, another hindrance.

So, today's question is simple enough - duties aside, what is our purpose in life?

Now I know, it's sounds simplistic, but think about it for a minute. In a very real sense we are born, go to all kinds of [pre]schools, sometimes the army, sometimes the university, and most of us who made it thus far would then go on to work, marry someone, raise some [not so] beautiful babies who will turn out to be (annoyingly enough) a better version of ourselves (or not, which is even worse), and hopefully die in our beds in the ripe age of seventy-eight (eighty-two for the females amongst us) having set our wills properly and having made sure we triple-signed it (on account of the Alzheimer, of course).

But why?

Most of us will not transcend to greatness, and for most of these it's better that way, but don't you see the futility of the exercise? We live, we die, and we have no impact. On the bottom line, we're statistics.

Now, don't go off calling me a Pessimist (I hate hearing the truth, you know...) but there has to be something more, right?

Lucky for us, there is. I won't go preaching about how every one of us has to live to his potential, because I don't know anything about that. I certainly don't seem to be on the fast lane to living up to mine's. That said, live is about... well, life. It has no goal, it has no purpose. I certainly never considered my goal in life to be rich or famous or even to save the world. All I want to do is learn new things, have fun, find someone I could love (and then another, and another...) and just... well... do it.

Oh, I'm also into writing a book. Big surprise there - I can see the shock on your faces.

So. Forget about life. There's no manual, and certainly no holy grail. Who cares about the 'why'?

Just do it.

יום ראשון, 9 במרץ 2008

My Latest Trick

Hi all,

It's such great fun to look at my Visit Counter and see it's around 55 (thus far). With the next to no publishing I do for the blog, there seem to be some visitors anyway. I would especially like to thank Yoni and Billy for visiting regularly and telling me what they think. Right Oh!

Anyway, I have an important update (!!). Some of you may have come across me at messenger and have tried to send me messages, to no avail. I knew that I was seen as logged in a lot while I wasn't actually in, but I couldn't figure out the problem. Well, I've been at my uncle's yesterday (he has a new baby - cheers!) and I discovered I must've logged in to messenger to check my messages a few months back when I visited him and did not log out before I closed the program. To make a long story short, it seemed that every time he logged in to the net, the messenger would log in as Me and he'd get my messages.
Well, problem solved! (I was actually so pissed off at that I deleted messenger from his PC altogether). From now on, every time you see me logged in to messenger, I am logged in!

And to other news...

I was at class today (the last one this semester! Yeah!) and I was distracted, so I wrote a song. I think this is the platform to share it with you. Tell me what you think (do so in the replies too, not just personally - I'd like others to see what you think).

The Road to Acceptance \ Omer Hertz

It is in the seeing that we learn.
No harm is too severe for truth.
In the sense that we are growing,
There's a foundation of our rights,
That we are people and are equal,
On the earth and in the sky.

It is the hate that drives us to atrocity.
To block yourself from wisdom in violence.
If the time came for us to rise,
To stand for right and wrong,
We need to choose our sides,
Knowing that the roads ahead are equally long.

In time we will understand ourselves.
In time the others will pose no mystery.
But while we're being stung,
And flinching, we retaliate,
How can affirmation come to be,
How will clean hands cleanse the degenerate.

It is in the seeing that we learn.
No path's too long, no hill too high.
Find comfort in the others,
And acceptance in the stars.
This song I wrote in a slightly different, experimental fashion, using two forms of writing, namely, statements (ending in periods) and continuations (ending in commas or a period for the last line in the stanza).
I also changed the tone and length of the last line to offer a sense of closure.
I haven't actually come up with music for the song, but anyone who wishes to compose something for it (or any of my others songs in the previous or future posts) is welcome. Just don't forget to send me a recording.

In the words of Bugs Bunny, "That's all for now, folks!"
See you later.